Ear wax removal
Ear cleaning
via Microsuction
The technique of microsuction to remove ear wax or clean your ear canals is a safe and pain free experience. Microsuctioning under the use of Vorotek binoculars is the recommended and preferred method for removing ear wax for the following reasons:
1. View into the ear canal using the Vorotek binoculars for excellent vision in the ear canal. Your ear canals are small, dark spaces that need this form of vision and light.
2. Microsuction approaches from a frontal point of view. This means we can see what we are working with. When comparing with ear irrigation or water to clear the ears, the method here is to push water into the ear canal in the hopes it hits the ear drum and pushes the ear wax out of your canal. The issue with this method is not being able to see what is happening behind the ear wax. Is there a hole in your ear drum or spores in your ear? All this can amount to further complications in the long term. Not to mention it's not the most pleasant experience. In some people, the use of the water can also induce some dizziness.
3. Microsuction is a gentle form of wax removal. This will depend on how long your ear wax has been in your ear canal and if have been using a Q-tip or the likes to try remove it yourself (please don't, as this pushes your ear wax deeper into your ear canal). The longer your ear wax build up, the longer it may take to remove.
4. We may use an ear wax removal spray to support the removal of ear wax.
5. Ear wax is a naturally occurring product of your ear canal ecosystem, however when pushed in deeper with a Q-tip or other object, it may become problematic. As we age, our skin looses it's elasticity and this may also hinder the natural method of ear wax removal from our ear canals. Microsuctioning or dry curetting can support the safe removal of ear wax.
6. The costs for this service is $130 to $175. If you require additional testing this will incur additional costs.
Book your ear wax removal appointment here.