Hearing Aid Choices
Do I need hearing aids? How much do hearing aids costs? How long do hearing aids last? And do I need to wear my hearing aids all day or can I use them only when I need them?
Hearing aids are excellent pieces of technology that can support you to hear well and think clearly. You may not realise this, but as your hearing gets worse over time, you compensate for the loss. For example, you will use visual cues like lip reading to compensate for what you have missed in the conversation. This compensatory strategy of filling in the gaps uses a lot of cognitive resources. I see it often in clinic, my client's report feeling tired at the end of the day from trying to listen. Their auditory capacity is drained and their brain is tired from filling in the gaps.
When hearing aids are fitted properly (with real ear measurements and optimisations) and supported with caring, on-going audiological support and interventions, this cognitive fatigue or load can improve. The key is consistent hearing aid use.
Hearing aids should be worn all day. For you to get the best outcomes with your hearing aids, wearing them all day will help to support good behaviours and long term outcomes for your social-emotional well-being and habits. There are incidental sounds in the environment that your brain should be aware of (your foot steps, background noises like the fridge or air conditioning hum).
Hearing aids are expensive pieces of technology that have years of research behind them. They are expensive in part because there are not many competitors in the space and a lot is required to build them (research, development and making them medical grade devices). They range from $2500 up to $9500 per pair (one for each ear) and vary in the level of technology (what they are capable of doing) and the style / colour.
When looked after well, hearing aids can last around 5 years, or more. As technology progresses, certain hearing aids will become redundant and the support from manufacturers will be limited. It's a good idea to clean and maintain your hearing aids and have them and your hearing tested (not screened), at least once a year.
Not happy with your hearing aids? Book a hearing aid re-evaluation with us and we can support you to optimise your communications with your family, friends and work, and your hearing technology. Book here.