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Kat Penno
Jan 145 min read
Can Apple Airpod Pros 2 Really Work as Effectively as Hearing Aids?
You read my original post in 2024 right? Here's the link to it incase you missed it: Apple Airpod Pros 2 as hearing aids . In short, I...
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Kat Penno
Nov 1, 20243 min read
How much ear wax softener should I use prior to my microsuction appointment?
The short answer is, none. Do you need to use ear wax softener prior to coming in for a microsuction appointment? No. Our preference is...
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Kat Penno
Aug 23, 20243 min read
Give me your eyes so I can hear you clearly
I had a client in today who told me of their frustrations and irritation's in changing their behaviours to adjust and compensate for...
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Kat Penno
Aug 9, 20244 min read
Hearing Loss for Aussie Olympian and how to navigate your hearing loss or tinnitus journey
Hearing or tinnitus rehabilitation for success! How Aussie Olympic swimmers set the bar for success.
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Kat Penno
May 3, 20245 min read
Can I use Apple Airpod Pros as hearing aids?
You may not realise it, but there are a plethora of accessibility features that you’re either utilising without actively turning them on,...
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Kat Penno
Apr 18, 20244 min read
Ear Wax, what you need to know about that stuff in your ears.
My ears are feeling full or blocked or my hearing has dropped, I bet my ears are full of ear wax! Does this sound familiar? Quite often...
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Kat Penno
Apr 2, 20242 min read
Hearing Technologies (hearing aids, headphones, implants)
Hearing technology ranges from medical grade devices, like hearing aids or implantable devices (like a cochlear implant or middle ear...
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Kat Penno
Aug 31, 202011 min read
Nuheara, A personalised and quality listening experience!
By incorporating the EarID and NAL-NL2 software across Nuheara technology, they have elevated the personalised hearable standard.

Kat Penno
Jun 4, 202010 min read
Wearable technology: My recent experience with the latest Apple products
Earlier this year I was asked to use and review the latest Apple smartphone and wearable watch. Needless to say I was pretty excited to...
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Kat Penno
Mar 9, 20205 min read
The Importance of Human Connections, Healthcare & the Role Technology plays
"A relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else. People with whom one has social or professional...
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Kat Penno
Jan 17, 20206 min read
Inclusive work-spaces & communities, why have we missed this?
A while back I was approached to par-take in inclusive consulting. It's a field that does not get a lot of attention, however it is one...
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Kat Penno
Dec 9, 20193 min read
The Social Isolation of Hearing Loss
Chee is a mate I met through our days as road cyclists. We bonded over carbon frameworks, 45km rides before our 8:30am to 5 pm work days,...
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Kat Penno
Aug 21, 20197 min read
Uber-isation, why is this important for conversations & Healthcare?
Healthcare in Australia; how can we improve ageing across the lifespan? Nursing homes and aged care facilities, have we got this right?
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Kat Penno
Jul 22, 20194 min read
I've got a high pitched ringing sound in my ears/head, what is it?
This short Hearing Collective piece by Audiologist & Founder, Kat Penno gives a succinct answer to commonly searched "What is tinnitus?" "
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Kat Penno
May 20, 20195 min read
I'm 45 years old, I'm too young to have a (mild) hearing loss.
"You have a mild hearing loss" is a misleading sentence. Mild as defined by the oxford dictionary states not severe, serious or harsh and...
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Kat Penno
Feb 1, 20193 min read
Hearing protection as a Musician
Hearing protection & noise. It's the elephant in the chamber room at many rehearsals and live gigs. If you're a singer like Luciano...
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Kat Penno
Jan 12, 20192 min read
Headphones or Ear Muffs for my baby
I've had a few mums ask me about hearing protection for their babies when going to concerts or a basketball match, so thought i'd write...
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Kat Penno
Dec 17, 20184 min read
Communication tips for families, couples and work
Do you feel like you miss parts of the conversation? Do you find yourself asking 'huh?' what did they just say? Do you think your hearing...
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Kat Penno
Nov 29, 20183 min read
Headphones 4 Kids, what you should consider
Are the above images familiar? You are about to go on a drive or flight and want to ensure your kids are entertained or at least not the...
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Kat Penno
Sep 28, 20186 min read
Noise Induced Hearing loss and Healthy Ageing
I have added a photo of the night of my wedding. That's me and my husband sharing the dance-floor with about 90 of our family and friends...
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