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Ear Wax, what you need to know about that stuff in your ears.

Writer's picture: Kat PennoKat Penno

My ears are feeling full or blocked or my hearing has dropped, I bet my ears are full of ear wax!

Does this sound familiar?

Quite often people assume that ear wax isn't good or natural for their ears. In fact, it's the opposite. Ear wax is a normal secretion from the ceruminous and the sebaceous glands of the outer third of your external auditory canal. This means it's meant to be there.

Ear wax, or cerumen, has three main properties for your ears.

  1. To protect your ear canals by acting as a natural bacterial and antifungal defense.

  2. Lubricate your ear canals

  3. Moisturise your ear canals.

Should I use Q-tips or cotton buds to clean my ears?

The short answer is NO. Please don't. I know it can feel good, but it's interfering with the natural removal of ear wax from your ear canals.

Using Q-tips will interfere with the natural self-cleaning mechanisms of your ear canal.

As you talk or eat, your jaw movement aids in pushing your ear wax out of your ear canals. When you use a Q-tip you envision removing wax onto the tip, however the opposite happens. The Q-tip has rounded ends and pushes your ear wax further into your canal. This becomes problematic as the deeper you go in your ear canals, the harder it becomes for that wax to naturally fall out. The more you push in, the more the back starts to build up. In some cases, this can lead to wax impacting (building up*) and causing a hard wall of wax that can result in that blocked ear affect.

*If this is you, you may require ear wax removal. The safest and most pain-free way to remove this type of wax is through microsuction technique.

How to use an ear candle?

The short answer to this question is, don't use an ear candle.

There is no evidence base or scientific evidence to use candles in your ear canals. Please stop this! Serious damage can occur when trying this at home.

What is microsuctioning? Should I get my ears syringed?

Microsuctioning is the safest way to remove ear wax or foreign objects from the ear canal as it takes a front end view / approach of the ear canal. Microsuctioning done under binocular view (we use the Vorotek Oscope in Hearing & Cognition Centre) reduces the chance any damage done to your ear drum (tympanic membrane) or ear canal walls.

It is more pleasant than ear syringing and can be a quicker process.

Ear Syringing

When water syringing of the ear canals is used the water is pulsated into the ear canal with the expectation that it hits the ear drum and flushes the ear wax out of the ear canal. This method is often repeated till all the wax is out.

This can be harmful because there is no clear view of the ear drum (the wax or object is in the way) to know if there is a hole or infection behind the wax. Water can make these issues worse.

If the temperature of the water isn't correct, it can induce dizziness. Your balance system is linked to your hearing system and if the water temperature is too hot/cold, it can induce mild dizziness. This doesn't happen often, however those who are sensitive to temperature changes could feel the impacts of this.

It's unpleasant. Who likes getting water pulsated into their ear canals numerous times? No one.

Ear wax removal, ear examination, otoscopy using microscope, full ears, blocked ears
Ear examination under microscope

When should I get my ears cleaned?

Of course, there are exceptions to the above. As we age, our skin elasticity changes making the self-cleaning or removal of ear wax from your ear canal harder. Having your GP or audiologist perform otoscopy to check your ear canals can help you understand if you require ear wax removal.

Some people produce more ear wax than others and require microsuctioning to remove the excess build up of wax.

I've seen a few kids (and adults) who have been quite the curious explorers and popped beads, erasers, paper, silicon toys (to name a few) into their ear canals. These people have come to my clinic and I have removed these foreign objects quickly and painfree through microsuction or via aural forceps.

My ears a smelly, what should I do?

If your ears a discharging or producing a smelly odor, you need to see your doctor ASAP.

Take aways
  • Ear wax is a healthy part of our ear ecosystem.

  • Don't use Q tips or cotton buds to 'clean' your ears.

  • Don't use ear candles.

  • If you are unsure about your ear or hearing health or if you think ear wax is causing a blockage in your ears, come in and see me.

Your ears and hearing are pretty damn amazing. It's a complex and nuanced system that allows access to this loud, vibrant and buzzing world. Please take care of them and above all, protect your ears and hearing. Prevention is best as there is no cure for hearing loss.

Take care,

Kathryn Penno

PS Microsuction bookings available here:

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